Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Final Assessment Julius Caesar Essay

For let the gods so speed me as I love the name of honour more than I fear death.

Brutus is an honorable and loyal friend, man and Roman. Brutus always thinks of what is the best for the people not himself. People preys him, they like him as he is. Because the people like him so much and think he is honorable and loyal and etc. Brutus thinks he is better than the general people. He still wants to do good for them but acts as if he were twice as good as them. This makes him a bit arrogant but everyone sees him as a patriot. Brutus was the only conspirator that thought he was really killing Caesar for the general good. Cassius wanted power he wanted him dead because he thought he was stronger than him but Brutus wasn’t like them. Brutus was only thinking of making Rome a better place to stay. That’s why Antony wanted to greet him as a friend not as an enemy because he was the only one with honor left but he was stabbed by a Roman who Brutus was travelling with.

Brutus tells the rest of the conspirators to make the assassination of Caesar clean and beautiful and not like you don’t care about the body. Make it like an honorable ceremony but when they finally kill Caesar they stab him everywhere even though Brutus said make it look like he is a dish fit for the gods this shows that the conspirators absolutely don’t care about Caesar. Brutus as in the honorable man got the last stab and killed him right away instead of letting him suffer. Brutus probably stabbed him in the heart because after Brutus his stab Caesar straight away died just like he said make it quick and clean.
Brutus the honorable man also did these things out of love because he loves every Roman in Rome but after all he didn’t deserve to die because he only meant good and actually only did good.

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

The lost boys of Sudan 'Santino' (There is no heaven on Earth)

It has been war for 20 years now. Loads of people have died because they gave their life for the greedy leaders of both sides that were fighting for land and power. Then the North attacked, I ran straight away because I was told to by my parents they said to me whenever we'll be attacked just run with friends away to freedom but be careful.
Then that day came it was chaos from far I heard some guns, I was scared but than I decided to run like I was told to. I ran away to freedom on the way many people fell down and you would expect them to stand up again but they didn't. The hardest thing for me was letting go my family I never saw them again.

When the journey finally ended in Kenya everyone danced an cheered. We were helped by the refugee camp in Kenya who gave us food clothes shelter everything you need but that's not all the camp also gave an opportunity. This wasn't just an opportunity this was heaven we were told. First you had to pass an English test if you took the test and got a good result you would have a chance of getting picked to go to the U.S.A. that was what it was all about the refugee camp gave us an opportunity to move to the states this was the as in the place in the world. When I checked the list of the people going I was on there going to Houston. I was really sad because I knew I would be lonely and because of that loneliness become hungry. Than the day of departure came. I was going to america to have a job and live the good life. First we went to the airport it was my first time in an airplane I felt sick every time I looked outside the window. When we arrived in America we got a lot of food we didn't stop eating it was different from our food, I had to kind of get used to it but it was nice all the food. Than the lady that picked us up from the airport showed us our house and it was super big compared to the house we had in Sudan. After that day I got a job assigned it paid me 6 an hour that's not bad compared to other people. My job was to label the product with a sticker even though I don't know what it is for. Besides work there was Peter he was my best friend in America he was like family to me. Peter was neat clean just like he was in Kenya. I wanted to share a house with him and live with him he told me he wanted that too but than Peter moved to Kansas without saying a word. I was worried about him because he didn't call, send a letter or even leave a note he just left. I called him asked him where he was he told me he was in Kansas where everything is much better the schooling the people. I was a bit jealous and than I forgot about him. I tried getting a drivers license so I could drive my car around without making mistakes. I failed the test and drove away with a sad face because I really wanted to pass. Not much later I hit someone's car I drove through red without a drivers license. It cost me about $500 I couldn't miss that much money because I wouldn't be able to buy food for survival. Eventually I paid the bills and than the next money problem came, apparently I didn't pay my rent even though I am hundred percent sure I paid. I had to show at some woman's office and she believed that I paid and explained the process to me how to pay the rent. It was hard for me to keep up with the fast rate in America. Also one thing that really bothered me here was that the native black people in the country were lighter then me, I felt too black for this country like I don't belong here or something. It was hard and the black people here were all gangster and had guns were criminals. In Sudan this was different guys were really close friends they held hands hugged but in America that was gay and not cool if you would walk over the street hand in hand people would think you like men isn't that ridiculous.

What was weird was that we dinka people were told America was supposed to be some heaven kind of place but it turned out to be a lot different. It was horrible all the hard work and for what that was the question. What also was kind of weird was that we Africans had to forget where we came from and all the traditions and think like an American citizen. And when we did we found out that they barely had any traditions and feasts all they did was work and work to survive. And this was supposed to be some kind of heaven! Then I found out there is no heaven on Earth.